Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Dade County Alumnae Chapter

Chartered in 1981 • Miami, Florida (Dade County)

2024-2025 Scholarship Program

Submission Deadline Extended to April 1, 2025

For more than four decades, the Dade County Alumnae Chapter has provided scholarships to deserving young ladies who excel academically, are involved in extracurricular activities and who demonstrate leadership and a commitment to community service. 

Our 2025 Scholarship Program online application is now open for submissions. The submission deadline has been extended to Tuesday, April 1, 2025  at 11:59 p.m. Female high school seniors of African-American or African Diaspora descent with an unweighted GPA of at least 3.0 are eligible to apply. For an overview of the scholarship program and information on how to properly complete and submit an application, students and their parents/guardians can review the chapter's February 2nd Scholarship Application Workshop video.
For questions about DCAC's scholarship program, contact Scholarship Committee Chair Gayle Love at