Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Dade County Alumnae Chapter

Chartered in 1981 • Miami, Florida (Dade County)
Political Awareness & Involvement

Our Founders’ participation in the Suffrage March for Women to Vote in March 3, 1913 was our organization’s first act of political awareness and involvement. This act set the tone for today's political awareness and involvement activities.  Social action is intricately woven into the fabric of our organization. The committee serves the chapter as a non-partisan resource. It endeavors to encourage the membership to take a more active role in the political process and to fulfill their civic responsibility. Our purpose remains to be actively involved in local, state and national political issues.

Our current and past initiatives include:

  • Delta Days (National, State, County, School Board and Municipalities)
  • Voter Registration, Education & Empowerment activities
  • Judicial Forum and Pre-Legislative Session
  • Townhall Meetings – Human Trafficking, Community Issues & Census 2020